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100 Trade Center Drive, Suite 350
Woburn, MA: (781) 933-5484

LamProbe Treatment.

Remove bumps, tags, and other Blemishes

Schedule a Free Consultation

The LamProbe is a cutting-edge tool to safely and effectively remove blemishes, lesions, growths, and skin irregularities. Using a combination of radio and high-frequency currents, the LamProbe can treat milia, skin tags, cholesterol deposits, cherry angiomas, and benign moles. Without breaking the skin's surface, the LamProbe can quickly fade, diminish, or dry up the unsightly areas on the face and body.

The LamProbe is based on the scientific principle that liquids are attracted to heat. Moisture in a targeted mass of cells is vaporized using high-frequency radio waves. This treatment will destroy the affected skin cells, causing them to shed quickly and disappear. The LamProbe has multiple frequency probes, making treatments easily tailored for each patient. The pinpoint-size tip of the probe ensures a precise delivery of energy.

LamProbe Can Help Eliminate:

  • Skin Tags
  • Cherry Angiomas
  • Sebaceous Hyperplasias
  • Broken Capillaries
  • Clogged Pores
  • Milia (tiny keratin-filled cysts)
  • Cholesterol Deposits around the eyes
  • Other minor skin flaws

Minor Skin Conditions

Treated By The Lamprobe
Cherry Angioma
Cholesterol Deposits
Clogged Pores & Milias
Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Skin Tag

Are You Wondering if the LamProbe is Right for You?

The LamProbe treatment is suitable for individuals generally in good health but displeased with minor, benign skin conditions. The procedure is effective for both men and women and can safely treat any skin type using the choice of four different probes. A complete skin evaluation at the complimentary consultation appointment will determine if a LamProbe treatment is correct for you.

The LamProbe Procedure:

Treatment with the LamProbe does not require any anesthesia or numbing agents. Your esthetician will place a small, hand-held probe over a predetermined area to deliver the quick energy pulse. The process takes three to five seconds per treatment spot; patients are generally out of the office in less than 30 minutes. A repeat LamProbe session may be required depending on the area being treated.

LamProbe Recovery:

Patients should expect the recovery period after a LamProbe treatment to take two to five days. Minor redness may occur at the treatment site, but this will quickly diminish as the blemish fades. No downtime is required after a LamProbe procedure; patients can immediately return to work or school without restrictions.